//Getting a Job
Considering a Job? Think Before You AcceptBefore you say “yes” to your first job offer, think it through to make sure you’re prepared for what it takes. ... [read more]
Money-Making Ideas
If you’re looking for something a little less conventional, here are a few ideas to earn money on your own schedule. ... [read more]
Job Interview Tips
For many people, summer is a great time to get a part-time job. Jobs like baby-sitting, delivering pizzas, working at the mall, or waiting on tables are good for students on... [read more]
What to Do With Your Paycheck
In this article we’ll learn how to make the most of your paycheck. In other words — we’re ready to talk about spending and saving money. Anything you spend your... [read more]
Understanding Your Paycheck
Unless you’re a child actor, chances are your first job won’t pay much. Starting at the bottom of the pay scale is normal and a part of being in the working world. If... [read more]
Balancing School and a Job
Balancing school and a job can be a challenge, but it all comes down to priorities. Everyone agrees that school should be priority number one. Here are a few ideas to help you... [read more]
Interview Bloopers
s... [read more]
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