//Scholarship Quiz! Three Facts You Need to Know

Saving for college? Test your knowledge of these higher ed expenses (don’t worry, it’s a lot easier than the SATs. And no cheating  ).


1.) All college loans are forgiven now

2.) I need a 4.0 GPA to get a scholarship

3.) Starting at a community college—and transferring later—may save money


Ready to see how you scored?

1. FALSE. Some school loans can be forgiven if you work full time for a public or nonprofit institution after college.

But most people still have to pay back their loans with interest.

2. FALSE. The minimum GPA for non academic-based scholarships is typically 2.0.

Often sponsors are less interested in grades than achievements in specific areas, like community service, sports, artistic talent, etc.

3. TRUE. Community colleges offer much lower tuition than 4-year universities. Take your general education classes and transfer after a year or two.